Welcome to
Three Rivers Grace Church!

Worship. Word. Witness.


Worship With Us

Our mission in three words: Worship, Word, Witness. We are a church that seeks to be God-centered, Word-focused, and ministry-minded. It is our desire to boldly proclaim the gospel of God’s crucified Son - the God-Man, Jesus Christ. We exist to delight in God's greatness, to proclaim the truth of God's word, and to ignite a joyful passion for the Gospel of Jesus Christ among all the peoples of Pittsburgh and the world.

For those who are following Jesus, we have the joy of worshipping Him every day of the week, in every facet of our lives.  We also have the special privilege of gathering with fellow believers to worship as a community.  When we meet together each Sunday morning, we worship God corporately through several means: the preached Word, the reading of Scriptures, prayers of praise and confession, music, giving, and the ordinances.

Sunday Service 11:00 am
Sunday School 9:45 am

8713 Harmony Parkway
Pittsburgh, PA 15237



We’ll read through the Gospel of Mark to find out more about the life of Jesus Christ and think about the big questions of life. The time will be simply structured: a short Bible study, a talk, and a discussion based on the talk. Register online.

6:00-7:30PM on the following dates:

  • February 16th

  • March 2nd, 16th, 30th

  • April 13th, 27th

  • May 4th

Sunday School

Three Rivers Grace Church uses The Gospel Project curriculum for Sunday School. We have classes for children of all ages as well as youth and adults.

Coming alongside parents to reach the next generation for Christ is the focus of our Children’s Ministries. Our purpose is to teach God’s Word and see young lives transformed as they grow in their faith. It’s our hope that your child will enjoy getting involved in the classes and make new friends. It is through our Children's Ministry that young children begin to learn about Jesus and His love. Our classes are biblically based, age-appropriate, and child friendly. Our teachers are all carefully screened before they teach any child.

Nursery and Toddler Care

Nursery care is available during the worship service for children ages 0-3. Children four years and older are encouraged to sit with their families in the worship service. Due to food allergies and sensitivities to peanuts and tree nuts, the nursery room offers snacks that are nut-allergen free. We offer a private room for use by any nursing mothers.


We exist to delight in God's greatness, to proclaim the truth of God's word, and to ignite a joyful passion for the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
